About Modern
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About Modern

Management Philosophy


  • Prize Employee Benefits
  • Fulfill Customer Expectations
  • Pursue Excellence
  • Contribute Back to Society


  • An outstanding contributor for better quality of life

Prize Employee Benefits0%

Fulfil Customer Expectations0%

Pursue Excellence0%

Contribute Back to Society0%

Modern Chemical Group use eight characters as the foundation of the whole operating core values and management principles, and to sustainable development of enterprises, for the benefit of mankind's mission and vision as the Group's long-term pursuit of goals.

Modern Core Values

  • Join together with truthfulness to build visions with our customers.
  • Remember gratefulness as our future comes with abundances.
  • Serve each other with deference to make working environment warm and pleasant.
  • Show enthusiasm as we offer ourselves, enjoy work, and enrich lives.
  • Come together with attentiveness to work and increase customers’ satisfaction.
  • Show alertness in handling every day’s task and businesses.
  • Have initiative to love and care, burden of the company is also ours to bear.
  • Tackle problems with creativity, together we move to a future with prosperity.

Organization Framework

Modern Chemical Group was found in 1990. It is a world class producer of colorant chemical products.
There are worldwide allocations of professional sales and agents to provide complete technical services.
Our sales network expands throughout the world in more than 70 countries and regions.


In 1990, Modern Chemical Group established Modern Dyestuffs and Pigments Co., Ltd. and its first colorant production factory. Throughout all these years, we have maintained our passion and enthusiasm as we press forward. We continuously invest in modernized equipment, talented personnel, and well-rounded employee training programs. Currently, our products have received worldwide recognition and our sales performance is constantly growing and achieving outstanding results. All companies and employees of Modern Chemical Group carry the mission of being the contributor of better quality of life. We are working closely with government and various organizations to further understand the need of the society and support the minorities. We have received support and approval from both local government and communities. We continue to implement the philosophy of sustainable society.


Established the 1st Factory

Modern established first factory in Chonburi Thailand, with production capacity of 1,200 tons of leather dyestuffs per year.


Received ISO Certification

Modern Group received the certification of ISO- 9002.


Became a Global Enterprise

Modern has signed the MODERLAN global leather dyestuffs strategic cooperation contract with TFL.


SMEs Award from Taiwan Government

Modern has been awarded The 4th Outstanding Overseas Taiwanese SMEs Award from Taiwan government.


Stepping into Cutting Edge Chemical Technology

Cooperate with Thailand Nanotechnology Center in the R&D of Nano chemicals and cutting edge chemical technology.


Best Exporter Award

Modern has been awarded the ``Best Exporter Prime Minister's Export Award.``


Enterprise Development

The asset of Modern Group has increased more than 30 times compared with 1990, and has been awarded CSR-DIW Award from Department of Industrial Works of Thailand.


Growth And Transformation

Modern R&D Center has been authorized certificate of ISO 17025.



Modern has achieved The Green Industry Certification : Level 4.


Engineering Reconstruction

The second phase of the Modern Ningbo plant has been completed and the total annual production output has reached 40,000 tons.


Towards Glory

Modern become Bluesign® Chemical Supplier System Partner.



Modern Joined ZDHC Contributors.



Modern Joined Leather Working Group (LWG).


Prime Minister’s Export Award

Modern won the Prime Minister’s Export Award - “BEST OF THE BEST”.


New Head Office

Establishment of Modern Group’s New Head Office.

2023 - Present


GOTS Approved Additive/Dyestuff (Certified by Control Union).


Sales Representatives


Production Plants


Global Exployees



Pursuit of Excellence

Modern Chemical Group employs disciplined management system along with Servant Style Leadership to press forward for excellence.
Our products go through constant innovations and we have achieved the goal of being the leader in the industry.


Modern Chemical Group annually develop short-term, mid-term, and long-term management planning as well as executing effective
implementations in order to achieve record breaking sales performances.


Modern Chemical Group has participated in strategic alliances with world class enterprises throughout the years.
Together, the alliance tackle future challenges, cooperates to attain profits, and share reputation and achievements.

Innovation is the key that allows Modern to remain competitive in the business.

R&D is the key to remain competitive in the global market.

This is the belief that Modern Chemical Group upholds. Modern Chemical Group has developed a strong team of professional researchers with modernized cutting-edge equipment along with ideal working environment. Each year, we introduce new products that satisfy customers’ expectation.



New Product Sales Ratio


New Product Development Success Rate


R&D Researchers in the Organization